Dada la imposibilidad de monitorizar la blogosfera –ya no digamos toda
En el ámbito específico del marketing viral, encontramos varias posibilidades, pero para esta comunicación hemos escogido el ranking publicado por MarketingSherpa[1], uno de los más reconocidos portales de marketing internacional, que se autodefine como una firma de investigación especializada en registrar aquello que funciona (y aquello que no funciona) en marketing, a partir de estudios de casos, encuestas, entrevistas en profundidad, test de laboratorio y análisis de datos. Desde hace cuatro años, el MarketingSherpa Viral Hall of Fame[2] constituye un referente de las mejores campañas de marketing viral internacionales, basándose en parámetros de resultados y audiencias. En otras palabras: un termómetro de la eficacia viral.
Las diez campañas seleccionadas en 2008 pertenecen a anunciantes de sectores muy diversos, se dirigen a públicos muy diversos y utilizan técnicas diversas para llegar a “infectarles” y conseguir el “contagio” entre ellos. Sin embargo, destacan algunas características comunes, como una mayor utilización de los sitios de redes sociales (Facebook, Myspace e incluso Youtube) o una preferencia por los contenidos humorísticos o sarcásticos, que permiten apuntar la existencia de nuevas tendencias en la evolución del marketing en Internet, a la vez que detectar determinadas variables determinantes en la eficiencia y eficacia del mensaje lanzado.
¿Se están sofisticando los virus de marketing? ¿O es la audiencia quien prefiere infectarse a partir de estrategias más elaboradas? El virus del marketing viral, ¿está alcanzando su madurez?
Metodológicamente, el análisis de contenido de las campañas se ciñe al objetivo de detección de comunes denominadores que permitan dar respuesta a estas preguntas. Además, sus resultados podrán compararse con el análisis de otros rankings realizados con anterioridad. La mala noticia es que deberemos esperar al 2009 para corroborar la solidez y el recorrido de las tendencias apuntadas. Ciencia y paciencia.
English Summary
MarketingSherpa Viral Hall of Fame 2008: thermometer of new trends in viral marketing.
When possible changes in trends in the area of advertising communication are pointed out, they often justify themselves on the basis of cases isolated from campaigns that, for different reasons, stand out in the communicative panorama. As academics, we cannot use such simplification and we have to look for sources and tools that facilitate an objective and rigorous analysis. Nevertheless, one of the initial problems in this research process is the selection of the study sample. Certainly, the representation of the sample remains to be questioned given the dimension of the universe of the study - the digital universe-, or the nature of the object of investigation: viral pieces that can be lodged in web sites or video platforms, or that can be developed across the social networks of virtual communities or, in a less visible form, between email addresses (and these are only a few examples).
Given the inability to monitor the blogosphere –and that is not referring to the whole Net, to know “what is happening and “what is happening to it”, in a persuasive communication sense, the analysis of the rankings is seen as an option to be borne in mind.
In the specific area of the viral marketing, we have found several possibilities, but for this paper, we have chosen the ranking published by MarketingSherpa; one of the most recognized portals of international marketing, which it defines itself as a company of research specialized in everything that works (and what does not work) in marketing, from case studies, surveys, in depth interviews, laboratory tests and data analysis. For the last four years, the MarketingSherpa Viral Hall of Fame constitutes a reference point of the best international campaigns in viral marketing, being based on parameters of results and audiences. In other words: a thermometer of the viral efficiency.
The ten campaigns selected in 2008 belong to advertisers from very diverse sectors and are geared to different publics and use diverse technologies “to infect them" and to obtain "contamination” among them. Nevertheless, some common characteristics can be highlighted such as the greater utilization of social network sites (Facebook, Myspace, Youtube…) or a preference towards humorous or sarcastic contents, that permit the pinpointing of the existence of new trends in the evolution of the Internet marketing, and simultaneously that detect certain determinant variables in the efficiency and effectiveness of the launched message.
Are marketing viruses becoming more sophisticated? Or is it the audience which prefers to become infected from more elaborated strategies? Is the virus of the viral marketing reaching its maturity?
Methodologically, the analysis of the content of these campaigns looks for the detection of common denominators that allow us to give a response to these questions. In addition, we will be able to compare the results with the analysis of other rankings carried out previously. The bad news is that we will have to wait until 2009 to corroborate the solidity and the path of the trends set out. Science and patience.
Key words: viral marketing, trends, rankings.
Sílvia Sivera Bello. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Estudios de Ciencias de
Ana Isabel Jiménez Zarco. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Estudios de Economía y Empresa. Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por
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